

With the goals of helping residents stabilize and move forward in their lives academically, socially and economically with the vision of “brain power future generation of people from Burma”, CID initiated services such as Health Education Workshop, educational forums on basic laws in US, provided free flu shots, participated in international day at HTC with bazaars and cultural dances, Festival of Nations with bazaars, cultural exhibition and cultural dances and other programs and services. When a deadly tropical cyclone hit Burma in May 2008, CID timely sent out an SOS to the community and churches for help and mobilized donation for the victims.

CID met US Senator Amy Klobuchar and updated the situation on the ground. CID members were interviewed by KARE11, NPR, Minneapolis post, KS95, Star Tribune, Pioneer Press.

CID offers taxpayer assistance services (VITA) to newly arrived refugees, and immigrants from

Burma, along with low income, disadvantaged people, disabled individuals, seniors, and those with limited – English speaking abilities in the Twin City Area since 2009 to date every year…